
Claudius Ströhle
ifk Junior Fellow

Duration of fellowship
01. October 2021 bis 30. June 2022

»Remittances« as Transnational Participation Practice between Austria and Turkey


When people migrate, they often share their income with members of family members who remain at their place of origin. In 2019, migrants worldwide sent over $700 billions of these so-called remittances, causing multifaceted effects on actors and regions involved. In his dissertation project, Claudius Ströhle explores the effects, functions, and meaning of remittances sent by labor migrants from Austria to Turkey, spanning the period from the 1960s until today. Remittances are understood as a transnational practice of participation and belonging that sustains social relations and contributes to social change. Based on three years of ethnographic fieldwork on various social and geographical locations in Stubai Valley (Austria) and Uşak Province (Turkey), the project provides surprising, multi-layered, and deep insights into the history of migration from an actor-centred perspective.


Claudius Ströhle studied European Ethnology in Innsbruck and Istanbul. In his Master’s thesis, he examined the role of migration at the everyday school-life of a secondary school in Tyrol, Austria. From 2016 to 2020, he was a Research Assistant at the Institute of History and European Ethnology, University of Innsbruck. During a teaching research project at the Municipal Museum Innsbruck, he collaborated with Silke Meyer and BA students to curate the exhibition»Leaving Home and Finding Home. Migration Stories from Innsbruck.« His dissertation is embedded in the research project »Follow the Money. Remittances as Social Practice« (funded by the FWF), exploring the effects, functions, and meanings of remittances in the context of labor migration between Austria and Turkey.


gem. mit Silke Meyer (Hg.), Remittances as Social Practices and Agents of Change. The Future of Transnational Society, New York 2023; »›When you win, you are a German, when you lose, you are a foreigner‹. Claiming position beyond the meritocratic and discriminatory migration discourse«, in: Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich et al. (Hg.), Migrant Narratives–Moving Stories. Modalities of Agency, Collectivity and Performativity, London 2023; Migrationsschule. Wie SchülerInnen lernen zwischen Uns und den Anderen zu unterscheiden (= Bricolage Monografien. Innsbrucker Studien zur Europäischen Ethnologie 1), Innsbruck 2017.

13 December 2021
  • Lecture
Claudius Ströhle

Remittances als Übersetzung. Wie transnationale Migration die Herkunftsorte verändert

Wenn Menschen migrieren und andernorts Geld verdienen, teilen sie ihren Lohn oftmals mit ihrer Familie im Herkunftsort. Diese sogenannten Remittances haben vielfältige Effekte auf die handelnden Menschen und involvierten Regionen. Welche Rolle spielen die Transfers im Kontext der Arbeitsmigration zwischen Österreich und der Türkei?
