Here you can see all Fellows since 1994. Please use the filters.




[ifk Artist in Residence]
01. March 2024 - 30. June 2024

Artist in Residence
In Cooperation with Klosterneuburg Abbey

Current Value

Christine Abbt

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2011 - 30. June 2011

Beate Absalon

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 30. June 2020

Doktorandin, Abteilung Kulturwissenschaft, Kunstuniversität Linz

The Art of Sex Education: Contemporary Aesthetics As Idiosyncratic Interventions in Hegemonic Sexual Discourses

Anna Afanasyeva

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2010 - 31. January 2011

Department of History, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Russia

Medicine in Motion: Russian Medical Initiatives on the Borders of the Empire (19th Century)

Wolfram Aichinger

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 31. January 2012

Rositza Alexandrova

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 31. January 2018

GIFs That Keep On Giving: An Intermediary Anthology of the Ever-Alive

Peter Alheit

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2010 - 31. January 2011

Leila Alieva

31. October 2018 - 31. January 2019

Senior Common Room member of St. Antony’s College, Oxford University

Democracy/Autocracy and Religious Attitudes in Post-Soviet Nation-States: The Case of Islam in Azerbaijan

Anthony Alofsin

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. September 1995 - 31. January 1996

Associate Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture, University of Texas

The Representation of Regional and National Identity in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Architecture on the Borders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: the Role of Ornament

Faime Alpagu

[ÖAW ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 30. June 2020

Institut für Soziologie, Universität Wien

Migration Narratives Juxtaposed: A Sociological Analysis of Photos, Letters,and Biographies of "Guest Workers" from Turkey Living in Austria

Jan Altmann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 31. January 2008

Marie-Luise Angerer

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021

Professorin für Medienwissenschaft, Universität Potsdam, Institut für Künste und Medien

A Nonconscious Turn? On the Emergence of Nonconscious Zones as Couplings of Human and Nonhuman Agency

Monika Ankele

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2017 - 30. June 2017

Scientific assistant at the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine at the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf

The Hospital Bed as an Object and Space. On the Material Culture of Psychiatry in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Daniil Aronson

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2018 - 30. June 2018

Research Fellow, RAS, Institute of Philosphy, Moscow

German Translations of Russian Poetry in the GDR and Elsewhere: A Comparative Study

Luka Arsenjuk

[Duke ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 30. June 2010

Ph. D. Candidate in the Program in Literature, Duke University, North Carolina

Cinematic evidence: the documentary fictions of the Palestinian filmmaker Michel Khleifi

Christoph Asendorf

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 31. January 2005

Aleida Assmann

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2016 - 30. June 2016

Jan Assmann

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2004 - 30. June 2004

Timothy Attanucci

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021

Assistant Professor of Modern German Literature, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, German Institute

Fortunatus and Co.: Translations and Adaptations of a Melancholic Bestseller (1509–1832)

Magdalena Bachmann

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 30. June 2015

Doris Bachmann-Medick

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2021 - 31. January 2022


Society as Translation

Doris Bachmann-Medick

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. January 2006

Norval Baitello Jr.

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. May 2005 - 30. June 2005

Anette Baldauf

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 31. January 2009

Julian Baller

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 30. June 2018

Department of Cultural History and Theory, Humboldt University of Berlin

My death in a game. Drafting a Ludo-Thanatology

Mohammed Bamyeh

[City of Vienna ifk Fellow]
01. March 2019 - 30. June 2019

Professor and Incoming Chair, department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh

Revolution as Translation: Intellectuals & Society in the Arab World

Florian Baranyi

[ÖAW ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 30. June 2013

Brigitte Bargetz

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 30. June 2010

Diana L. Barkan

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. May 1997 - 30. July 1997

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

The Anxiety of Influence and the Life of the Scientist

Veronika Barnaš

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


Mastering Entertainment. On Travelling Showpeople and Amusement Machines

Zachary Barr

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 30. June 2016

Doctoral Candidate, History Department, University of Chicago

Wissen, um zu leben: The Politics of Natural History in “Jahrhundertwende” Austria

Judith M. Barringer

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2011 - 31. January 2012

Professor of Greek art and archaeology, University of Edinburgh

A Cultural History of Olympia and Its Monuments

Tamara Bartl

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2023 - 30. June 2024

PhD Candidate
Department of Romance Studies
University of Vienna

Human Dignity in Las Indias. Casuistry in Spanish American Literature of the Early Colonial Period

Omer Bartov

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. June 2004 - 30. June 2004

Professor of European History at Brown University, USA

The Origins of Genocide in Buczacz, Ukraine

Ilina Basevska

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1997 - 31. August 1997


Proverbs as Relevant Material for Historie Anthropology. Comparative Aspects of South-Siav Proberbs

Moritz Baßler

[ifk Research Fellow]
19. February 2001 - 16. April 2001

Caspar Battegay

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2019 - 30. June 2019

Privatdozent für Neuere deutsche und allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Universität Basel

Mediology and Alternate History

Susanne Bauer

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2014 - 31. January 2015

Verena-Cathrin Bauer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 30. June 2013

Rolf Bauer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 30. June 2013

Gerd Baumann

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 07. December 2002

Professor for Cultural Anthropology, Research Centre Religion and Society, University of Amsterdam

Grammars of Selfing and Othering in the Metropolis

Peter Becker

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2010 - 30. June 2010

Heike Behrend

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2007 - 30. June 2007

Susanne Beiweis

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 30. June 2013

Sándor Békési

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2005 - 30. June 2005

Wendimagegn Belete

[ifk Artist in Residence]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

Artist in Residence
In Cooperation with Stift Klosterneuburg

Steven Beller

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. February 1996 - 15. June 1996

Alexandria, USA

A Concise History of Austria

Lukas Bengough

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 30. June 2023


Lea Bergstein: The Signature of a Dancer. The New Hebrew Dance and its European Roots (1920—1948)

Claudia Benthien

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2006 - 30. June 2006

Meron Benvenisti

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2011 - 30. June 2011

Independent scholar, Jerusalem

Supplanting Settler Societies: A Comparative Study

lvan T. Berend

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. September 1996 - 15. December 1996

Professor at the Department of History und Director des Center for European and Russian Studies, University of California, Los Angeles

Economic History of Europe, 19-20th Century

Matthew Berg

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2024 - 30. June 2024

Department of History
John Carroll University in Cleveland

Reinventing »Red Vienna« after 1945. Reconstruction, Transitional Justice, and Everyday Life

Helmuth Berking

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2008 - 30. April 2008

Elias Berner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 30. June 2016

Christopher Allen Berry

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2011 - 30. June 2011

Professor of Film and Television Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London

Digital Publics: The Online Negotiation of Urban Transformation in Postsocialist China

Yorick Josua Berta

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 31. December 2024

PhD Canditate
Institut für Bildende Kunst und Kulturwissenschaften
Kunstuniversität Linz

After Life. An Art History of Decay

Peter Berz

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2006 - 30. June 2006

Friedrich Betz

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1996 - 30. January 1997

Graz and Berlin

Peter Bexte

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2016 - 30. June 2016

André Bideau

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2004 - 30. June 2004

Laura Bieger

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2015 - 31. January 2016

Michael Bies

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2023 - 30. June 2023


Basteln. Literatur-, Kultur- und Theoriegeschichte einer »kleinen Tätigkeit«

Alona Bilokon

[ÖAW-JESH ifk Fellow]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


Impact of the German Diplomats in Austria in the 1920-1930s on the political situation in the region

Daniel Binswanger Friedman

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 30. June 2022


Indirect Speech - Descriptions in Austrian Postwar Prose

Azmy Bishara

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. February 1996 - 31. July 1996


Islam and Democracy

Muriel Blaive

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2020 - 31. January 2021


The Czechoslovak Communist Regime and Crimes against Humanity: Contemporary Judicial Issues in Handling the Past

Eve Blau

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
26. May 2017 - 26. June 2017

Adjunct Professor of the History of Urban Form at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University

The Irreducible Urban

Eve Blau

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. May 2003 - 30. June 2003

Lecturer in Architectural History at the Department of Architecture, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design

"Under the Sign of Transparency": Twentieth-century Discourses on Architectural Space, the City, and Modern Subjectivity

Eve Blau

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. May 2002 - 30. June 2002

Lecturer in Architectural History at the Department of Architecture, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design

Transformative Transactions: Architecture, Media, City 1920-1970

Björn Blauensteiner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Philipp Blom

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 31. January 2010

David Bloor

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2012 - 31. January 2013

Prof. em., Science Studies Unit, University of Edinburgh

A Defence of Relativism

Leslie Bodi

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. October 1994

Monash University, Australia

Philip Bohlman

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1999 - 30. June 1999

University of Chicago

Bernhard Böhm

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 30. June 2020

Doktorand, Professur für Wissenschaftsforschung, Department für Architektur, ETH Zürich

Academicized Architecture: Politics and Practices of “Design Research”

Hartmut Böhme

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2015 - 31. January 2016

Hartmut Böhme

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2007 - 30. November 2007

Petra Bopp

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2014 - 31. January 2015

Erik Born

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 30. June 2015

Doctoral Candidate in the Department of German, University of California, Berkeley

An Archaeology of Wireless Connectivity: Technologies of Transmission and Reception in Central Europe, 1880–1930

John Borneman

[ifk Urban Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 31. January 2000

Cornell University

The changing Meaning of political Capitals and their Relation to political Identification following the End of the Cold War Division of Europe

William Bowman

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2002 - 30. June 2002

Associate Professor of History, Gettysburg College

A cultural and intellectual history of suicide in Central Europe (1780-1950)

Andrea B. Braidt

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 30. June 2002

Eric Brandom

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 30. June 2012

Doctoral candidate, History Departement, Duke University

The Revolution in the Republic: Georges Sorel and the Science, Sociology, and Political Philosophy of the early Third Republic

Gabriele Brandstetter

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2020 - 30. June 2020

Professorin, Institut Theaterwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Tanzwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin

Movement and Metaphor – Tropes and Disfigurations in Contemporary Dance

Thomas Brandstetter

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2010 - 31. January 2011

Thomas Brandstetter

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 30. June 2003

Bettina Brandt

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 31. January 2023


Austrian Jewish Refugees in the United States and the Fate of Their Elderly in Nazi Europe, 1938–46

Peter J. Bräunlein

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. January 2006

Christoph Brecht

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 31. January 2002

Roswitha Breckner

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 31. January 2004

Jens Brockmeier

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996

Jens Brockmeier

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
27. August 1994 - 08. October 1994


Deborah Broderson

[Duke ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 30. June 2002

Duke University

Building a Ludic City. The Development of the Urban Playground in the Twentieth Century Metropolis

Rosemarie Brucher

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2018 - 30. June 2018

Research Assistant, Centre for Gender Studies, University of Arts Graz

Automatism – Suggestion – Hypnosis: Transfer processes between acting theories and “psycho-sciences” in the 1900s

Philipp Bruckmayr

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2010 - 30. June 2011

Cécile Bründlmayer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 30. June 2020

Doktorandin, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Freie Universität Berlin

Moving Objects, Contested Stories: The Frobenius Collection from West Africa (1907–09)


Ulf Brunnbauer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1997 - 31. August 1997

PhD candidate, University of Graz

Markus Brunner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 30. June 2012

Ulrike Brunotte

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2007 - 31. January 2008

Paul Buchholz

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2020 - 30. June 2020

Associate Professor, Department of German Studies, Emory University

Relations of Desolation: Collectivity in Narratives of Environmental Crisis

Heinz Bude

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2024 - 30. June 2024

documenta Institut Kassel
Professor em. of Macrosociology

Concept and Experience of Contemporaneity

Oksana Bulgakowa

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2018 - 31. January 2019

Professor of Film Studies at the Gutenberg University in Mainz

Factory of the Gestures.  Body Language in Film

Matti Bunzl

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. April 1996 - 30. July 1996

University of Chicago

Technologies of Race, Class and Gender in Late Imperial Vienna: A Historical Ethnography and Cultural History of 'Jung Wien'

Peter Burgard

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. June 1995 - 31. August 1995

Goethe and the Textual Tradition: Readings in Another German Intellectual History

Anja Burghardt

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 31. January 2014


01. March 2020 - 30. June 2020

Senior Researcher, Institute for World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Transformation of Rhetorical Strategies in European Conversation

Corina Caduff

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2017 - 30. June 2017

Professor at the Institute for Theory at the Zurich University of the Arts

Literature/Language and Artistic Research

Rüdiger Campe

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2016 - 31. December 2016

Professor of German and Comparative Literature at Yale University

Institutional Novels: A Novel Type and Its Theory in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

Marc Caplan

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2018 - 31. January 2019

Judaic Studies Program, Yale University

A Third Space: Translation, Transposition, and Transformation in Interwar Yiddish Modernism

Amy Carney

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

Associate Professor
Department of History
Pennsylvania State University
The Behrend College

Departing Deutschland. A Profile of Two Jewish Families in Nazi Germany

T. Elizabeth Cason

[Duke ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 30. June 2003

Duke University

Composing Invisibly: The Posthumous Career of Franz Schubert (1828-1888)

Anne Chalard-Fillaudeau

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2008 - 31. January 2009

Sinkwan Cheng

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021

Visiting Scholar, Duke University, Institute for Critical Theory

Translation, Concepts of “Right,” and the Opium Wars: Beyond Postcolonial Historiography and a New World History

Barbara Clausen

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 30. June 2005

Jean Comaroff

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2010 - 20. December 2010

Professor of Anthropology, University of Chicago and Director of the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory

Ethnicity, Inc.: The Commodification of Culture and the Incorporation of Identity

John L. Comaroff

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2010 - 20. December 2010

Professor of Anthropology and Social Sciences, University of Chicago and Research Professor, American Bar Foundation

Ethnicity, Inc.: The Commodification of Culture and the Incorporation of Identity

Jean-Pierre Cometti

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. August 1995 - 30. November 1995

Andrei Corbea-Hoisie

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2003 - 31. January 2004

Andrei Corbea-Hoisie

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. July 1993 - 31. August 1993

Stanley Corngold

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2004 - 30. June 2004

Professor of German and Comparative Literature at Princeton University

Karl Kraus as a Reader of Nietzsche: A Study in Influence

Ann Cotten

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 30. June 2021

Autorin und Doktorandin, Peter Szondi-Institut für allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft an der FU Berlin

Towards an Empirical Aesthetics Which Also Works for Machines: A Survey of the Recyclability of Existing Theories

Michael Cowan

[BTWH ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 31. January 2004

Graduate Student Instructor for German Language and Literature at Berkeley

The Performative Production of Willpower around 1900

Wolfgang Coy

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2002 - 30. June 2002

Nancy Ann Coyne

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. June 1994

United States, Vienna

Austrians' Memories: Vienna 1938-45/95, The Past and the Present

Slaven Crnić

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

Postdoctoral University Assistant and Researcher
Department of Cultural Studies
University of Rijeka

Transnational Dwelling of Post-Yugoslav Queer Literature and Arts

Lisa Cronjäger

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

Philosophische Fakultät
Universität Lausanne

Thought Collectives of Environmental Knowledge. The Vienna Institute for Social Ecology between Science, Politics and Media (1970s–1990s)


[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 28. February 2021


Households at the Dawn of the Bronze Age in the Aegean Basin: Socio-Cultural Anthropological Perspectives

John Czaplicka

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1998 - 30. June 1998

New York University

Historical Preferences/Archaeo/ogical RemainsBorneplatz, Judenplatz etc. / Divided Cities/Divided Histories: European Borderlands

Ute Daniel

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2005 - 30. June 2005

Irina Danieli

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 30. June 2022


Animals and Identity. An Analysis of Maria Lassnig’s Animal Paintings

Iris Därmann

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. January 2006

Ana de Almeida

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 30. June 2018

Academy of fine arts Vienna

From the Collection to the Archive: A Reflection on the Production of Images in the 1974—1989 Inter-Revolutionary Space between the Carnation and the Velvet Revolutions

Chana de Moura

[ifk Artist in Residence]
01. October 2022 - 30. June 2023


Inverted Utopias. The Divergent Evolution of Immortality Pursuits

Geertjan de Vugt

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2019 - 30. June 2019

Coordinator of Arts & Sciences, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

Fingerprints: An Essay on the Art of Individualization

Ricky DeSantis

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 30. June 2025

PhD Candidate
Department of Philosophy
Fordham University

Translating Psychoanlysis: From Vienna to New York and Back Again

Philippe Despoix

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2009 - 31. January 2010

Penelope Deutscher

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2015 - 31. January 2016

Professor of Philosophy, Northwestern University

The Time of Biopolitical Vulnerability

Christoph Deutschmann

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2012 - 30. June 2012

Kristin Dickinson

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2018 - 30. June 2018

Assistant Professor of German Studies, University of Michigan

Investigating the “Türkische Bibliothek” (1904–1929): “Exceptional” Translations and the Experience of Modernity

Stefanie Diekmann

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2023 - 31. January 2024

Full Professor
Media Studies and Cultural Studies
University of Hildesheim

Supporting Characters

Edward Dimendberg

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. April 2006 - 30. June 2006

Allegories of Production: Post-1945 Cinema and Sensory Modernization

Dan Diner

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. October 2010 - 31. January 2011

Dan Diner

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1997 - 31. March 1998

Tel Aviv University

Jewish History and the Epistemology of Memory

Monika Dommann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 31. January 2005

James Donald

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2003 - 30. June 2003

Black Stars in the European City

Alexander Draxl

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 30. June 2021


On Schicksal: The Return of Tragedy in Modernity

Lena Dražić

[City of Vienna ifk Fellow]
01. March 2023 - 30. June 2023


Turbo-Folk and the Meaning of Place. Listening to a Globalised Music Genre in Vienna and Belgrade

Gert Dressel

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1997 - 31. August 1997

Iracema Dulley

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2024 - 30. June 2024

Research Fellow
Institute of Social Sciences
of the University of Lisbon

This Has a Name. Translation and Subject Constitution in Central Angola

Jörg Dürrschmidt

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2010 - 31. January 2011

Arno Dusini

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2003 - 30. June 2003

Adi Efal

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2010 - 30. June 2010

The Plasticity of the Past: Valuating, Distancing, Alois Riegl and Neo-Kantian Realism

Bettina Egger

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 31. January 2021


Comics and Archaeology: An Encounter

Lukas Egger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 30. June 2020

Doktorand, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien

The “National-Social State” and Its Other: Racism from the Perspective of Materialist Theories of the State

Tamara Ehs

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2012 - 30. June 2012

Rosa Eidelpes

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2017 - 30. June 2017

Scientific assistant at the Peter Szondi Institute of Comparative Literature at the Free University of Berlin

Natural Epistemologies between the Old and New World

Angelus Eisinger

[ifk Urban Fellow]
01. November 2000 - 28. February 2001

Hamid Ekbia

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2016 - 30. June 2016

Professor of Informatics, Cognitive Science, and International Studies, Director of the Center for Research on Mediated Interaction, Indiana University, Bloomington

Technologies of (Dis)Order: Drones, Conflict, and Crisis

Lutz Ellrich

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2002 - 31. January 2003

Thomas Elsaesser

[ifk Urban Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 31. January 2004

Promoting Planned Living: The "New Architecture" of the 1920s as Urbanist Media Space

Karl Enenkel

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 31. January 2003

Hanna Engelmeier

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2016 - 30. June 2016

Cornelia Epping-Jäger

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 31. January 2010

Robert Matthias Erdbeer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 31. January 2010

Robert Matthias Erdbeer

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 31. January 2003

Andrea Erwig

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2010 - 30. June 2011

Georg Escher

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 30. June 2004

Fabian Estermann

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 30. June 2019

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Cultural History and Theory, Humboldt University Berlin

The Meaning of Self-Awareness in Comparative Psychology in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Anna Estermann

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 30. June 2015

Johannes Fabian

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2010 - 30. June 2010

Professor Emeritus of Cultural Anthropology, University of Amsterdam

Objects of Pleasure and Pain: Another Look at African Paintings

Johannes Fabian

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. March 1998 - 30. June 1998

University of Amsterdam

Karl Fallend

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2019 - 31. January 2020

Freelance Author and Scientist, Vienna

“Dictators Don’t Have Swing”: Tracing the History and Biography of Jazz, Psychoanalysis, and National Socialism

Fiona Faßler

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 30. June 2019

Ph.D. Candidate, Institute for Cultural Studies, Humboldt University Berlin

The Era of Dressage. On the Transformation and Regulation of Living Things in Modernity 

Annegret Fauser

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2020 - 30. June 2020

Cary C. Boshamer Distinguished Professor of Music, Department of Music, University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill

Beethoven in Translation: Reframing the Interwar Commemorations of 1920 and 1927

Johannes Feichtinger

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 31. January 2004

Paul Feigelfeld

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 30. June 2020

Doktorand, Abteilung Kulturwissenschaft, Kunstuniversität Linz

The Great Loop Forward: Cybernetic Incompleteness between China and Europe,1700–2000

Rivka Feldhay

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1994 - 15. December 1994

Tel-Aviv University

The Educational Program of the Jesuits (esp. Austrian and German) / Jesuit Ballet as a System of Representation

Jan Fellerer

[City of Vienna ifk Fellow]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021

Associate Professor of non-russian slavonic languages, University of Oxford, Wolfson College, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Language

Historical Urban Multilingualism in East Central Europe: Łódź around 1900

Philipp Felsch

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. March 2006

Karin Fenböck

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 30. June 2010

Adam Fergus

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 30. June 2007

Elisabeth Fertig

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021


“Etwas aus einer anderen Oper”: Listening for a New Radiopoetics in the Hörspiele of Austrian Women Authors after 1945

Lisa Feurzeig

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 31. January 2018

Department of Music, Grand Valley State University (Michigan)

Nostalgia or Contemporary Critique? The Role of Classic Operettas in Contemporary Austria and Neighboring Countries

Karoline Feyertag

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 30. June 2008

Peter Filkins

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2023 - 30. June 2023


Research and Writing of a Biography of Ingeborg Bachmann

Franz Leander Fillafer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 30. June 2006

Romana Filzmoser

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 30. June 2006

Aris Fioretos

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


»Die dünnen Götter«, a novel

Ralph Fischer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 30. June 2006

Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber

01. October 2020 - 31. January 2021


China in real time

Antje Flüchter

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2008 - 30. June 2008

Winfried Fluck

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2004 - 31. January 2005

Tom Fogel

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Jewish History
Tel Aviv University

Jewish Angels, Arab Letters. An Ethnography of Yemeni-Jewish Vernacular Religion

László F. Földényi

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2005 - 30. June 2005

Sabina Folnović-Jaitner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 30. June 2017

Doctoral Candidate, Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna

Translation in Philosophy: Heidegger’s Being and Time in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Translations

Éva Forgács

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2023 - 31. January 2024

Adjunct Professor
ArtCenter College of Design

Between Point Zero and the Iron Curtain. Art 1945–1948

Alison Frank

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 31. January 2004

The Business of Building a National Economy: Oil, Land and Development in Austrian Galicia

Susi Frank

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2000 - 31. January 2001

Beatrice Frasl

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 30. June 2016

Arielle Friend

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 30. June 2023


The Childhood of Psychoanalysis

David Frisby

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1997 - 31. January 1998

University of Glasgow

Architecture, Modernity and Memory: Vienna/Berlin 1890-1933

Julia Fröhlich

[ÖAW ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 30. June 2025

PhD Candidate
Department of Near Eastern Studies
University of Vienna

Odyssey across the Aegean. The Jewish Exodus from Greece (1943–1944)

Judith Frömmer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 31. January 2012

Josef Früchtl

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2015 - 30. June 2015

Sabine Frühstück

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2010 - 20. December 2010

Angelika Frühwirth

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 30. June 2012

Maria Fuchs

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2023 - 31. January 2024

Senior Postdoc
Centre for Gender Studies and Diversity
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz

Scoring Africa. Film Music as Cultural Colonialism

Mathias Fuchs

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


Playful Work. Playbour

Wolfgang Fuhrmann

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1998 - 30. June 1999


Rupert Gaderer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 30. June 2007

Andreas Gamerith

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 30. June 2012

Michael Gamper

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. January 2006

Mila Ganeva

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2014 - 30. June 2014

Gábor Gangó

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. June 1994


Fani Gargova

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 30. June 2016

Katharina Gartner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021


“Music is not a one-man show.” Young Instrumental Musicians in Accra, Ghana, and their (trans-)local creative Relations

Andreas Gehrlach

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 31. January 2021


“Kneel Down, Move Your Lips in Prayer, and You Will Believe”: The Cultural History of Genuflection

Peter Geimer

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2015 - 30. June 2015

Gabriele Geml

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Gabriele Geml

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Alys George

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2024 - 30. June 2024

Assistant Professor
Department of German Studies
Stanford University

War, Gender, and the Novel in Austria, 1945–49

Alys George

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 30. June 2006

Ph. D. Candidate in German Studies at Stanford University

Toward a Language of Images: Literature and Visual Culture in fin-de-siècle Vienna

Alexander C. T. Geppert

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 30. June 2002

London vs. Paris: Imperial Exhibitions, Urban Space, and Metropolitan Networks, 1880-1930

Christian Gerbel

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1997 - 30. June 1998

Violeta Gerjikova

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2007 - 30. June 2007

Vision and visual perspective in the poetry of Catullus

Elena Germanovna Trubina

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2004 - 30. June 2004

On Understanding of Public Art Viewing: Between Social Constructivism and Ethics

Michael Geyer

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1999 - 30. June 1999

University of Chicago

Deadly Force. The German military Experience in an Age of Total War

Nacim Ghanbari

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 31. January 2013

Laura Gianvittorio-Ungar

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2024 - 30. June 2024

Institute for Classical Philology, Medieval and Neolatin
University of Vienna

Dance Translations. Re-enacting Ancient Dance under the Fascist Regime

Boris Roman Gibhardt

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021


The Concept of Rhythm in the Arts ca. 1900 and Its Temporal and Cultural Implications

Mary Gibson

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2012 - 31. January 2013

Professor of History, John Jay College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York

Prisons, Gender, and Citizenship in Modern Italy

Theresa Gillinger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 30. June 2022


The Ambivalent Rhetoric of Austrian Social Democrats in the Migration Debate Prior to 1914

Mary Gluck

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2011 - 31. January 2012

Professor of History and Comparative Literature, Brown University, Providence

The Invisible Jewish Budapest: Assimilation and Urban Modernity in Central Europe

Peter Godman

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. September 1997 - 01. April 1998

Humanism in the High Middle Ages and in the Renaissance

Novina Göhlsdorf

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2020 - 30. June 2020

Publizistin und Kulturwissenschaftlerin, Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Total Strangers? The Autistic as Key Figure of Our Times

Renate Göllner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996


Christine Göttler

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2010 - 30. June 2010

Volker Gottowik

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2008 - 30. June 2008

Lisa Gottschall

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 30. June 2019

Ph. D. Candidate, Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology, Student of Contemporary History, University of Vienna

„A Sort of Human Material Science“: Anton Adolf Plügel and the „Rassen- und Volkstumsforschung“ in Krakow (1940–1944)

Elisabeth Grabenweger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 30. June 2007

Vanessa Graf

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 31. January 2022


Of Life in the Cloud. Tracing the Internet as »Embodied Media« in the Swiss and Austrian Alps

Anthony Grafton

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. June 1996 - 15. July 1996

Princeton University

Late Humanism and the Idea of Encyclopaedic Scholarship

Hannes Grandits

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1997 - 31. August 1997

University of Graz

Marcus Gräser

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 31. January 2003

Birgit Griesecke

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2004 - 30. June 2004

Sabrina Grohsebner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 30. June 2021


Conflicted Hands: Representations of Midwives between Body and Culture in Early Modern Spain

Martin Gronau

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 30. June 2015

Alan Gross

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 31. January 2000

University of Pittsburgh

Science, Identity and Community in Revolutionary Vienna: The Founding of the Akademie der Wissenschaften

Lawrence Grossberg

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. June 2000 - 30. June 2000

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Humanities and Cultural Studies

Boris Groys

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. January 1997 - 31. March 1997

Boris Groys

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. October 1996 - 31. December 1996

Boris Groys

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. July 1995 - 31. December 1995

Nora Grundtner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 30. June 2021


Dressed in Animal Skin. The relationship between human and animals on the basis of material culture in Middle High German literature

David Gugerli

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1995 - 30. October 1995

David Gugerli

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. December 1994 - 31. March 1995

Ronny Günl

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 30. June 2025

PhD Candidate
Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Elements of a modern film history with Enno Patalas

Golan Gur

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2017 - 30. June 2017

Musicologist and Cultural Historian

Communist Modernism: Music, Politics, and Cultural Theory in the German Democratic Republic

Ivo Gurschler

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 30. June 2016

Nils Güttler

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 31. January 2020

Postdoc. Professur für Wissenschaftsforschung, ETH Zürich

An Environmental Machine: The Frankfurt Airport and Its Region



Saskia Haag

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 30. June 2005

Tobias Haberkorn

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2020 - 30. June 2020

Freier Autor und Literaturwissenschafter, Berlin

Immersive Subjectivity: Autistics, Narcissists, Conspiracy Theorists

Birgit Haberpeuntner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 30. June 2016

Jernej Habjan

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2015 - 30. June 2015

Researcher at the Literary Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana

Joking Relationships in Capitals of Modernity: Uncles and Nephews in Diderot, Marx, Althusser, Miller, and Bernhard

Malachi Haim Hacohen

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2001 - 30. June 2001

Duke University

Austria and the Congress for Cultural Freedom, 1954-1965: Cosmopolitianism, National Identity, and the Cultural Cold War on the Margins of the Atlantic World

Maren Haffke

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 31. January 2023


Field Recordings and »Environmental Sound«. On the Epistemology, Technology, and Aesthetics of Acoustic Ecologies

Michael Dominik Hagel

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Michael Hagner

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2015 - 31. January 2016

Marcus Hahn

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2009 - 30. June 2009

Tatsiana Haiden

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 30. June 2020

Ph. D. Candidate, Transcultural Communication, University of Vienna

Rethinking the Role of the Translator: The Zsolnay Publishing House, 1924–1938

Eva Hallama

[ÖAW ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 30. June 2017

Doc scholarship holder of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the University of Vienna’s Department of Contemporary History

Forced Migration, Epidemic, and the Border: The National Socialist Civil Administration’s Delousing Border Camps in Occupied Eastern Europe, 1939-1945

Claudia Hamm

01. March 2019 - 30. June 2019

Freelance Translator

Wandering Coproducers: Thoughts on Crossing-Over

Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2001 - 31. January 2002

Michael Hammerschmid

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 30. June 2000


Ulf Hannerz

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2007 - 31. January 2008

The geocultural imagination: scenarios and story lines

Léon Hanssen

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2017 - 31. January 2018

Department of Culture Studies, Life Writing and Cultural Memory, Tilburg School of Humanities

Piet Mondrian in Vienna: Searching for the Unknown Third

Tamara K. Hareven

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. May 1997 - 30. August 1997

University of Delaware

Imperial Silk Cities: A Comparative Study of the Organization of the Silk Industry focusing on Family, Work and Community in Kyoto and Vienna

Karin Harrasser

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2000 - 30. June 2001

Austin P. Harrington

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 30. June 2002

Robert Musil and The Literary Sociology of Modernity

Endre Hárs

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 31. January 2005

Gaby Hartel

01. October 2019 - 31. January 2020

A Million Miles from Home? Traces of a Migratory Self in Accents and Incidents in Liliane Lijn’s Her Mother’s Voice. An Intermedial/Translingual Project

Frank Hartmann

[ifk Junior Fellow]
15. May 1995 - 15. December 1995

Sebastian Haselbeck

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2010 - 30. June 2011

Miyuki Hashimoto

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2008 - 30. June 2008

Andreas Haug

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2019 - 31. January 2020

Professor für Musikwissenschaft, Universität Würzburg

Musik, Religion und Wissenschaft in der Spätantike und der Karolingerzeit. Eine Geschichte des Gesangs vor dem Zeitalter der Musik

Thomas Hauschild

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 31. January 2005

Barbara Hausmair

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 30. June 2010

Maureen Healy

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 31. January 2012

Associate Professor of History, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon

Beyond the Siege: Cultural Traffic between Austrians and Turks, 1878 to the Present

Louise Hecht

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2010 - 31. January 2011

Translating Jewish Tradition: Bertha Pappenheim (1859–1936) and Religious Writings for Women

Gerald Heidegger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. September 1995 - 31. December 1995

Christiane Heidrich

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 30. June 2023


»When the object laughs ...«. Style and Truth in Marx's Early Journalism

Jason S. Heilman

[Duke ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 30. June 2006

Ph. D. Candidate at the Department of Music, Duke University

Militärmusik, Public Spectacle, and Cultural Identity in the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Ursula Helg

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2012 - 30. June 2012

Yunus Hentschel

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 30. June 2019

Ph. D. Candidate, Institute for Orientalism, University of Vienna

Present Sufi Approaches to the Qur’an

Jeffrey Herf

[ifk Research Fellow]
31. May 2010 - 30. June 2010

Professor of Modern European History, University of Maryland

Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World: Collaboration, Cultural Fusion and Ideological Diffusion from Berlin, 1941-1945

Jost Hermand

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. September 1995 - 31. December 1995

Heather Hess

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 30. June 2004

The Wiener Werkstätte and Its Critics

Ina Heumann

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Aviv Hilbig-Bokaer

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2023 - 30. June 2024

PhD Candidate
Department of German
New York University

Ambivalent Liaisons. Sexuality between Pathology and Criminality in Viennese Modernism

Sabine Hinrichs

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 30. June 2023


The Mongol Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368) in Republican Era Chinese Historiography (1900–1949)

Michaela Maria Hintermayr

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 30. June 2014

Norbert Hintersteiner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996

Oliver Hochadel

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 30. June 2000

Klaus Hödl

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1998 - 30. June 1999


Tomás Hofer

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2002 - 30. June 2002

Hans-Georg Hofer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 30. June 2000

Christoph Hoffmann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2006 - 30. June 2006

Dieter Hoffmann-Axthelm

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 31. January 2003

Kathrin Hoffmann-Curtius

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2004 - 30. June 2004

Deborah Holmes

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 30. June 2003

The Wanderer and the City - Nomadic Figures in the Writing of "das Rote Wien"

Anton Holzer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. January 2006

Gitta Honegger

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2007 - 31. January 2008

Frau Brecht: The life and career of Helene Weigel

Alexander Honold

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2017 - 31. January 2018

Chair of Modern German Literature, University of Basel

Diderot German. The Cultural Politics of Intermittent Translation

Peter Horwath

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. May 1996 - 30. June 1996

Arizona State University, Tempe

Wolfgang Hottner

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021


Objections: On the History and Theory of Interventionist Translation

Eric Hounshell

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 30. June 2012

Doctoral candidate, Departement of History, University of California, Los Angeles

Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Modern Social Research

Peter Höyng

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2013 - 30. June 2013

Associate Professor of German und Chair am Department of German Studies des Emory College of Arts & Sciences in Atlanta

Reading Beethoven’s Readings: His Intellectual Life in Vienna

Xuelei Huang

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2013 - 30. June 2013

Post-doctoral researcher at The Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” at the University of Heidelberg

The Cesspool and the Rose Garden: The Social Life of Smell in Modern China, 1840s-1960s

Florian Huber

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 30. June 2015

Hans Dieter Huber

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2007 - 30. June 2007

Christian Huemer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 30. June 2004

Isabel V. Hull

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2014 - 30. April 2014

John Stambaugh Professor of History, Cornell University, New York, NY

Austria-Hungary and International Law in the First World War

Monika Humer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. June 1994


Sally C. Humphreys

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. January 1996 - 31. March 1996

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Between Public and Private Life: Athenian and their Kindred

Kristina Hutter

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 30. June 2022


Wisdom Dwells in Pyramids. Topological Approaches to Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts

Georg G. Iggers

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2000 - 30. June 2000

State University of New York, Buffalo

Historical Scholarship and the Creation of Imagined Communities  and Collective Identities

Charles Ingrao

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2000 - 30. June 2000

Purdue University

The Fall and Decline of a Multinational Empire: Central Europe 1815-2000

Roland Innerhofer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2001 - 30. June 2001

Noah Isenberg

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2003 - 30. June 2003

A Viennese Childhood: The Early Years of Edgar G. Ulmer

Federico Italiano

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


Spatial Translations. The Cartographic Imagination of Cold War Science Fiction (1957–1969)

Eva Jablonka

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
14. November 1994 - 18. November 1994

Tel Aviv University

Ludwig Jäger

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2003 - 31. January 2004

Sandra Janßen

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2024 - 30. June 2024

Associate Researcher

Having as a Form of Being. Theories and Literary Representations of Property around 1800

Neela Janssen

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 30. June 2025

PhD Candidate
Abteilung für Komparatistik
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle

Failing men? Bourgeois masculinities in contemporary German fiction

Rolf Peter Janz

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. April 1994 - 15. July 1994

FU Berlin

Michael Jeismann

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 31. January 2021


Shifts between Center and Periphery in Western Societies: The Loose Ends of the World

Peter Jelavich

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2001 - 31. January 2002

Censorship of the Arts in Germany, 1890-2000

Bogumil Jewsiewicki

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1998 - 30. June 1998

Université Laval, Québec, Canada

Production of Heroes and Negotiation of Identity and Policy

Cornelia Jöchner

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2002 - 30. June 2002

Eva Johach

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2018 - 31. January 2019

Research Assistent at the Cluster of Excellence "Cultural Bases of Integration", University of Constance

Relations of Uncertainty. Popular Quantum Physics, the Postmodern Turn, and the Cultural Logics of Translation

Matthew Johnson

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 30. June 2020

Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Chicago

Faltering Language: German-Yiddish Literature after 1900

Julie Johnson

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 31. January 2008

The bird's-eye view

Jennifer Jordan

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2007 - 30. June 2007

Landscapes of memory: Open-air museums and national identity in a transnational age

Christian Joschke

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2012 - 30. June 2012

Pieter Judson

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2000 - 30. June 2000

Swarthmore College

Nationalism from Below in Imperial Austria 1880-1918

Daphne Jung

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 30. June 2012

Anton Kaes

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. June 2000 - 30. June 2000

University of California, Berkeley

The Cinema and the Emergence of Modernity in Weimar Germany

Anton Kaes

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1999 - 30. June 1999

University of California at Berkeley

Cinema and the Emergence of Modernity in Germany

Milena Kaličanin

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2023 - 31. January 2024

Associate Professor
Department of English
University of Niš, Serbia

E-Lit. Definitions, Emerging Forms, Methodology, Context

Hermann Kappelhoff

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2009 - 30. June 2009

Ioannis Karachristos

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1997 - 31. August 1997

PhD candidate at the University of Vienna

Nicole Karafyllis

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2010 - 31. January 2011

Andreas Karl

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 30. June 2023


Beyond Synthesis and Transfer. Analyzing the Aesthetic Shift in Recent Composed Music from China

Klaus Kastberger

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 31. January 2003

Erdal Kaynar

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 31. January 2014

Postdoctoral Fellow, Institut français d’études anatoliennes, Istanbul

Paul Keckeis

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 30. June 2012

Gábor Kerekes

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. June 1994


Eva Kernbauer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 30. June 2005

Ladislav Kesner

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2006 - 31. January 2007

Period eye and historical modalities of vision in the light of contemporary research in mind & brain sciences

Esther Kilchmann

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 31. January 2022


Sigmund Freud as Translator. Transnational and Transdisciplinary Practices

Gabriela Kiliánová

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1998 - 30. June 1998

Jeehye Kim

[ÖAW ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2023 - 30. June 2024

PhD Candidate
Department of Art History
Paris Lodron University of Salzburg

Anthropological Photography as Colonial Visual Strategy

William Kinderman

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2016 - 31. January 2017

Professor of Musicology and Germanic Studies at the University of Illinois

Beethoven’s Aesthetic Politics and the Goal of “Kunstvereinigung” (Artistic Unification)

Nicole Theresa King

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

PhD Candidate
Department of Visual Arts and Center for Research and Training in Anthropogeny
University of California, San Diego

The Anthropocene’s Post-Oasis. Designing Nature and Landscape in Southern California, 1945–65

Friedrich Kittler

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1999 - 30. June 1999

Heinz Dieter Kittsteiner

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 31. January 2000

Stefanie Kitzberger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 30. June 2016

Markus Klammer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Evelyn Knappitsch

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2023 - 30. June 2023


When researchers become censors. An approach to the Vienna Censorship Office during the First World War

Richard V. Knight

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. January 1994 - 31. May 1994


Enhancing Vienna's Knowledge-base

Gertrud Koch

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2006 - 30. June 2006

Sergius Kodera

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 31. January 2005

Jonathan Koehler

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 30. June 2002

Alexandra Kofler

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 30. June 2008

Karl-Heinz Kohl

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. November 2008 - 15. January 2009

Sarah Kolb

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 30. June 2006

Michal Kopeček

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 31. January 2025

Senior Researcher
Institute of Contemporary History
Czech Academy of Sciences

The Politics of Rights in East Central Europe, 1970s–2010s

Benjamin K. Korstvedt

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2007 - 30. June 2007

Rhetorical excess and the cultural unconscious in Viennese music criticism

Peter Kortmann

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 30. June 2025

PhD Candidate
Abteilung für Kunsttheorie
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien

Between Dream and Technology. An Anthropological-Historical View on ›Machinic Imagination‹

Eva Kössner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 30. June 2014

Ludmilla Konstantinova Kostova

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2006 - 31. January 2007

South Eastern Europe and the Victorian female gaze: Travel and (un)desirable intimacies

Éva J. Kovács

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. January 2006

András Kovács

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. September 1996 - 31. January 1997

Sybille Krämer

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 31. January 2019

Professor of Philosophy at the Free University of Berlin

Is being “digitally connected“ a cultural technique? The Janus face of digital literacy in the context of a“Critique of Digital Reason”

Sybille Krämer

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2010 - 31. January 2011

Anke Kramer

[BTWH ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Isabel Kranz

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021

Lecturer at the department of German Studies, University of Vienna

Thinking with Plants: Possibilities and Challenges for Literary and Cultural Plant Studies

Andreas Kraß

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2008 - 31. January 2009

Katharina Krčal

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 30. June 2014

Jörg Kreienbrock

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2018 - 30. June 2018

Associate Professor, Department of German and Critical Thought, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Space, Field, Situation: On the Structure of Media Spaces (1909–1969)

Barbara Kremser (Barbara Ungepflegt)

[ifk Artist in Residence]
01. October 2020 - 31. January 2021


In Leo? Escapist Sites in Reality and Imagination

Oliver Kress

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996

Andrea Kretschmann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2019 - 30. June 2019

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/Chercheuse und Leiterin des Forschungsschwerpunkts "Staat, Recht und Politischer Konflikt", Centre Marc Bloch, An-Institut Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Sociology of the Artificial City

Elena Lydia Kreusch

[ÖAW ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 30. June 2019

Ph. D. Candidate,  Institute for Theater, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna 

Circus Mobilities. (Re-)Thinking Contemporary Circus Practice from a Mobility Perspective

Ekkehart Krippendorff

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2001 - 30. June 2001

Henry Krips

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1997 - 30. June 1997

University of Pittsburgh

Quantum Mechanics East and West: The Differential Reception of Bohr's Interpretation in Western Europe and the Soviet Union - Ideological Causes, Philosophical Effects

Steffen Krüger

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. November 2015 - 31. December 2015

Klaus Krüger

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2011 - 30. June 2011

Krassimira Kruschkova

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1995 - 30. June 1995

Daniel Kuby

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 30. June 2015

Carla Küffner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 30. June 2015

Renate Lachmann

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2013 - 30. June 2013

Ernesto Laclau

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1999 - 30. June 1999

University of Essex

The Emergence of a populist Right in Austria at the End of the XIXth Century

Rebekka Ladewig

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 31. January 2022

Postdoctoral Researcher, Fachbereich Medienwissenschaft, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

»Can the mind be represented by a machine?” Implizites Wissen im Zeichen der Digitalisierung

Judith Laister

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 31. January 2007

Andrzej Lam

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. January 1995 - 15. July 1995

Marion Lamb

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
14. November 1994 - 18. November 1994

Birbeck College, University of London

Hans-Uwe Lammel

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 31. January 2005

Birgit Lang

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2009 - 30. June 2009

Birgit Lang

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2000 - 30. June 2001

Antonia Lant

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2005 - 30. June 2005

New York University

The New Hieroglyphics: Time and Articulation in the Silent Cinema

Margareth Lanzinger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1997 - 31. August 1997

PhD candidate at the University of Vienna

Stefan Laube

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 30. June 2013

Jan Lazardzig

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2014 - 30. June 2014

Jacques Le Rider

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 31. January 2013

Jacques Le Rider

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. August 1993 - 31. August 1993

Christina Lechtermann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. January 2006

Sophie Ledebur

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 31. January 2019

Postdoc Researcher

Knowledge of the Unknown. On the Emergence and Functional Logic of the “Dark Figure” in the 19thCentury

Hans-Thies Lehmann

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2014 - 31. January 2015

Sabine Lehner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 30. June 2021


Representations of Borders and Spaces in Austrian Media Discourses and in Narratives of Displaced Persons

Bernhard Leitner

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 31. January 2023


Circulation – Selection – Exclusion: Brain Research between Habsburg Austria, the Japanese Empire, and Colonial Korea

Bernhard Leitner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 30. June 2017

Doctoral candidate, Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna

Laboratory Vienna-Tokyo: On the Origins and Development of a Neuropsychiatric "Thought-Style" in Austria and Japan ca. 1900

Darko Leitner-Stojanov

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 31. January 2025

Independent Researcher
History of Migrations

Yugoslav Labor Migrants in Austria and their Private Photographs (1970s–1980s). Creating a Sense of Self and Locality

Massimo Leone

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2017 - 31. January 2018

Professor of Semiotics and Cultural Semiotics, Department of Philosophy, University of Turin

Translation and Blasphemy: A Semiotic Perspective

Helmut Lethen

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2000 - 31. January 2001

Thomas Y. Levin

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1995 - 15. December 1995

Archaeology of Virtuality: Histories of Simulation from Perspective to Cyberspace

Robert A. LeVine

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
11. June 1994 - 27. June 1994

Harvard University

A social and cultural theory of child development

Jill Lewis

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2013 - 30. June 2013

Reader in History, Department of History and Classics, Swansea University

Connecting Women: The Life and Work of Käthe Leichter

Sulgi Lie

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2017 - 30. June 2017

Lecturer at the Institute for Media Studies at the University of Basel

Quasi-body. On Body Art in Slapstick Comedy

Bernd Liepold-Mosser

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. June 1994

Il-Tschung Lim

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 30. June 2008

Anna Lindemann

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 30. June 2015

Rolf Lindner

[ifk Urban Fellow]
01. October 1998 - 31. January 1999

David Lindschinger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 30. June 2014

Ross Lipton

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 30. June 2017

Doctoral candidate in Comparative Literature at SUNY Binghamton

Discordant Unities: Viennese Urbanism and its Effects on the Organizational Principles behind Architecture and Music from 1890 to 1938

Simon Loidl

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 31. January 2015

Martina Löw

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2004 - 31. May 2004

Antonio Lucci

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2018 - 30. June 2018

Project Fellow, Research Institute for Philosophy Hannover

Between Renunciation and Role Model: The morphology, History and Aesthetic of the Western Asceticism

David S. Luft

[Fulbright ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 31. January 2005

The Austrian Tradition in German Culture: An Intellectual History

Anna Luhn

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


Literary [Machine] Translation?

Paul Michael Lützeler

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


Hermann Broch and Religion: The Dialogics of Jewish and Christian Thinking

Thomas Macho

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2000 - 31. January 2001

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Bild und Tod. Zur Geschichte des Repräsentationsbegriffs

John MacKay

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2019 - 31. January 2020

Professor, Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures and Film and Media Studies, Yale University

Avant-doc east and west

Paul Maercker

[ifk Translator in Residence]
01. March 2021 - 30. April 2021


In Search of the Origins of Decolonial Thought: Translating Hélène Clastres’ La terre sans mal. Le prophétisme tupi-guarani

Peter Mahr

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. June 1994


Cari Maier

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 30. June 2025

PhD Candidate
Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Countering Romanticization. Queer and Feminist Struggles for Care

Lukas Mairhofer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 30. June 2010

Vladimir S. Malachov

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. January 1995 - 30. June 1995

Bernhard Malkmus

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 31. January 2015

Associate Professor of German, The Ohio State University

Man in the Anthropocene. Travel-Writing, the Order of Nature, and the Disorder of Ecology

Brent Maner

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2010 - 30. June 2010

Maria Männig

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 31. January 2025

Research Assistant
Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Bildende Kunst
RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

Premodern Surveying Practices: Visual and Spatial Representations in Times of War and Peace

Oliver Marchart

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2013 - 30. June 2013

Cultural and Political Flows of Protest. Post-Identitarian Social Movements and Trans-national Knowledge Production

Oliver Marchart

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1997 - 30. June 1998

PhD candidate, University of Vienna

Kenneth Marcus

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 31. January 2022


Communicating Human Rights. The Political Uses of Music in the Mid-20th Century

Kristin Marek

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2006 - 30. June 2006

Michal Pawel Markowski

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2008 - 30. June 2008

Mimesis at verge. Trompe-l'oeil and the paradoxes of pictorial representation

Matthias Marschik

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2003 - 30. June 2003

Maximilian Martsch

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 30. June 2016

Anne Masseran

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1998 - 30. June 1999


Isabella Matauschek

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 31. January 2010

Angela Matyssek

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 30. June 2003

Martin Mauersberg

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 30. June 2013

Andreas Mayer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. June 1994

Angela Mayer-Deutsch

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996


Kerstin Mayerhofer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 30. June 2022


»quam mulieres menstruosi sunt«. The Motif of Jewish »Male Menstruation« as an Example for Pre-Modern Christian Mechanisms of Discrimination

Gabriella Mazzon

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2010 - 30. June 2010

Professor of English Language and Linguistics, University of Cagliari

Pathos as Rhetorical Strategy in Drama and Art of the Middle Ages: A Comparison of Visual and Verbal Acts of Communication

Alexander McCargar

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 30. June 2025

PhD Candidate
Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies
University of Vienna

Tents, Turbans and Tribulations: The Ottoman in Early Modern Viennese Performance Culture

Jim McGuigan

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2012 - 30. November 2012

Professor of Cultural Analysis, Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University, UK

The Cultures of Neoliberal Capitalism

Julia Meer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 31. January 2021


Hidden Paintings: Approaches to a Pre-Socratic Understanding of Pictoriality

Thomas Meinecke

[ifk Writer in Residence]
01. March 2016 - 30. June 2016

Michaela Melián

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

Artist and Musician

Passagen – Passages

Iris Mendel

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 30. June 2007

Bettine Menke

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2020 - 30. June 2020

Professorin, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Universität Erfurt

On Babble: The Many Languages in the Language I Speak or Write

Sofian Merabet

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2015 - 30. June 2015

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin

Hotel Beirut

Birgit Mersmann

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 31. December 2017

Associated Research Professor at the NCCR "Iconic Criticism"

University of Basel

Translating Migrants: Hetero- and Self-Translation in Social Documentary Photography

Jasmin Mersmann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 31. January 2015

Birgit Mersmann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2007 - 30. June 2007

Daniel Meßner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 30. June 2014

Winfried Meyer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2017 - 30. June 2017

Research associate at the Centre for Research on Anti-Semitism at the Technical University of Berlin

Jews as Confidential Informants for the Vienna Branch of the Wehrmacht Intelligence Service: Loyalty and Betrayal in the Intelligence War and the Holocaust

Werner Michler

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 31. January 2002

Ellen Mickiewicz

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. May 2011 - 30. June 2011

James R. Shepley Professor, Sanford School of Public Policy Professor at the Department of Public Science Duke University, Durham

Internet Encounters: Cognitive instruments and processing news and information in Russia

Ana Mijić

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 30. June 2012

Saša Miletić

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 30. June 2013

Helga Mitterbauer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 31. January 2008

Berthold Molden

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2009 - 30. June 2009

Carlo Mongardini

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. September 1994 - 31. December 1994

Michael Edward Moore

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2014 - 31. January 2015

Pope Formosus, Political Theology and the Carolingian World Order

Helge Mooshammer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2008 - 30. June 2008

Ludwig D. Morenz

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2006 - 31. January 2007

Jakob Moser

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 31. January 2022


Simulacra of the Demonic. Anthony the Hermit or the Autonomy of Objective Phantasm

Jakob Moser

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 30. June 2014

Jeannie Moser

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 30. June 2008

Glenn W. Most

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 31. March 1996

Glenn W. Most

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
28. September 1994 - 05. October 1994

Chantal Mouffe

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1999 - 30. June 1999

University of Westminster, London

Politics and Passions. The Rise of the Extreme Right

Florian Mühlfried

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

Abteilung für Anthropologie
Staatliche Ilia-Universität in Tbilissi

Albträume. Perspektiven aus der Sozialanthropologie

Inka Mülder-Bach

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2002 - 31. May 2002

Inka Mülder-Bach

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1998 - 30. June 1998

Lothar Müller

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2024 - 31. January 2025

Honorary Professor
Institut für deutsche Literatur
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Mercury's twins. Newspaper and telescope as media of the dissolution of spatiotemporal boundaries in the early modern period

Jan-Dirk Müller

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2012 - 30. June 2012

Birgit Müller

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2011 - 30. June 2011

Sabine Müller

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 30. June 2003

Klaus Müller-Richter

[BTWH ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 30. June 2006

Helmut Müller-Sievers

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2006 - 30. June 2006

Paul Murschetz

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. June 1995 - 01. October 1995

Tobias Nanz

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 30. June 2005

Barbara Naumann

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2016 - 30. June 2016

Oskar Negt

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. April 2014 - 31. May 2014

Thilo Neidhöfer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2023 - 31. January 2024

Independent Researcher
History and Cultural Studies

A Knowledge History of Rumor Control in the United States

Thilo Neidhöfer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 30. June 2017

Doctoral student in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Linz

In the Equilibrium of Cultures: Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and American Anthropology, ca. 1930-1950

Victor M. Nemchinov

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. April 1998 - 30. June 1998

European ldentity: A Multimedia Gateway to New Historical Awareness

Wolfgang Neuber

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1998 - 30. June 1998

Jonathan A. Neufeld

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2011 - 30. June 2011

Department of Political Science, University of California, San Diego

Performative Evidence: Philosophy, Criticism, and the Musical Public Sphere

Gerhard Neumann

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2010 - 30. June 2010

Stefan Neuner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 30. June 2000

Peter Niedermüller

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2002 - 30. June 2002

Sarah Nimführ

[ÖAW ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 30. June 2017

Recipient of the DOC Stipend of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in conjunction with the Institute for European Ethnology of the University of Vienna

Betwixt and Between. An Ethnological Study of the Life Situation of Non-deportable Refugees in Malta.

Lena Ditte Nissen

[ÖAW ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 31. December 2022


Chaosmos of the Personal

Robert E. Norton

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2001 - 30. June 2001

Professor of German, University of Notre Dame (Indiana)

Henri Bergson and German Cultural Conservatism, 1910-1930

Martina Nußbaumer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 30. June 2004

Eva-Maria Nyckel

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 30. June 2023


Always Even Better Ways. Logistical Media and Programmability of Labor

Kristóf J. Nyíri

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. January 1994 - 10. July 1994

Electronic Networking and the Unity of Knowledge

Florian Oberhuber

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. June 1994

Brigitte Obermayr

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996


Günter Oesterle

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2010 - 31. January 2011

Vrääth Öhner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1997 - 30. June 1998

Manfred Omahna

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 30. June 2002

Eberhard Ortland

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 31. January 2007

Monika Palmberger

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 31. January 2023


Refugees’ (Digital) Citizenship from Below. On Translation, Care, and Digital Infrastructure in the Context of Forced Migration

Christof Parnreiter

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. June 1994


Ashley Alexandra Passmore

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 30. June 2000

University of Chicago

East and West in the Writings of Karl Emil Franzos

Thorben Päthe

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 30. June 2015

Peter Payer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2002 - 30. June 2002

Clemens Peck

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 31. January 2014

Clemens Peck

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 30. June 2008

Anton Pelinka

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2012 - 31. January 2013

Brooke Penaloza-Patzak

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2024 - 30. June 2024

Associate Researcher

The World as We Know It. Sclater’s Six-Region Model and the Life Sciences, 1858 to Today

Mareike Peschl

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 30. June 2017

Doctoral candidate, Institute for cultural studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin 

Updated information on her research can be found here.

Chiara Petrolini

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 31. January 2023


Knowledge, Violence, and Friendship. Oriental Studies in the Early Modern Habsburg Monarchy

Konrad Petrovszky

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 31. January 2017

Department of East European History at the University of Vienna

Law, Administration, and Corruption on the Threshold to the Modern Age: Dalmatia and Wallachia, 1770-1840

Katja Petrowskaja

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2015 - 31. October 2015

Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. September 1996 - 30. November 1996

University of Maryland

A Postcolonial Agenda of Modernity: Holland, America, and the Habsburg Empire

Claus Pias

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2007 - 30. June 2007

Henry Pickford

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2024 - 31. January 2025

Department of German Studies and Philosophy
Duke University

Extraterritorial Bildung: Adorno on Culture and Education

Katharina Piechocki

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2017 - 30. June 2017

Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at Harvard University

Cartographic Humanism: Defining Early Modern Europe, 1480–1580

Ann-Cathérine Pielenhofer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2023 - 30. June 2024

PhD Candidate
Department of History
History of Science Working Group
University of Vienna

Squeezing Knowledge out of Rocks. Paper Squeezes between Scholarship and Political Activism

Moritz Pisk

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 30. June 2019

Ph. D Candidate, The University of Art and Design Linz

Technology — Music — Body. The interplay of technical and aesthetic innovation in pop

Moishe Postone (1942-2018)

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2016 - 30. June 2016

Thomas E. Donnelley Professor of Modern History, The College at The University of Chicago

Capital—A Reading

Thomas R. Prendergast

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 30. June 2018

Ph. D. Candidate in Modern European and Jewish History, Duke University

In Defense of Empire: Austrian Sociology and the European Nation-State, 1870–1914

Elisa Primavera-Lévy

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 31. January 2012

Elisabeth Prinz

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 30. June 2010

Peter Probst

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

Department of the History of Art and Architecture
Tufts University, Boston

Return to Sender: On the Legacy of the Gift

Peter Probst

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. May 2008 - 30. June 2008

Angelika Psenner

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2004 - 30. June 2004

Stefaniya Ptashnyk

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2015 - 30. June 2015

Anson Rabinbach

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2013 - 30. June 2013

Professor of History at Princeton University

Concepts that Came in from the Cold.

Ljiljana Radonić

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 31. January 2017

Austrian Academy of Science’s Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre History

The Second World War in Post-Socialist Memorial Museums

Jothie Rajah

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2020 - 30. June 2020

Research Professor, American Bar Foundation (Chicago)

Seeing Law: Authority and Legitimacy in a Post-9/11 World

Ivan Rajković

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 31. January 2025

University Assistant Postdoc
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
University of Vienna

How to inherit a mountain: more-than-human politics in the Balkan Mountains

Roohola Ramezani

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2020 - 30. June 2020

Postdoctoral Researcher in Philosophy and Freelance Translator, University of Isfahan


Regula Rapp

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 31. January 2005

William Rasch

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2007 - 30. June 2007

The form of the political

Gérard Raulet

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2018 - 31. January 2019

Professor in the History of Ideas, University of Sorbonne, Paris

The Confined Future of the Intellectuals. Benjamin on the French intelligentsia

Anne Raulin

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022



Anu Raunio

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 31. January 2017

Researcher in Italien Studies collaborating with the University of Turku, Finland

On the Reverse Grand Tour. Italian Travel Writing and the North in the Long 18th Century

Avishek Ray

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


Vicissitudes of Orientalism. Re-examining the Indian Origin of the Roma

Karl-Siegbert Rehberg

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2013 - 30. November 2013

Sven Reichardt

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

Fachbereich Geschichte
Universität Konstanz

Global History of Fascism

Richard Reichensperger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1997 - 30. June 1998

Ramón Reichert

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 31. January 2009

Ian Reifowitz

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996

Historian, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.

Austrianists versus Zionists: A Camparisan of ldeas about the Multinational State expressed by Zionists and by Nationally Conscious Non-Zionist Jews in Austria, 1880-1914.

Margit Reiter

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1998 - 30. June 1999

University of Salzburg

Olivier Remaud

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2011 - 31. January 2012

Associate Professor of Philosophy, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris

Interrupted Cosmopolitanism. The Dissemination of the German Pre-World War I Concept of Culture between “West” and “East”

Ursula Renner-Henke

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1998 - 30. June 1998

Lars Rensmann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2006 - 30. June 2006

Matthäus Rest

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021

Postdoc, Max-Planck-Institut für Menschheitsgeschichte, Jena

Curdled Milk: Ancient DNA, Milk Microbes, and the Archive of Life Itself

André Reszler

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1994 - 31. March 1995

Hans-Jörg Rheinberger

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2024 - 30. June 2024

Director emeritus
Max Planck Institute for History of Science

Imaginations of Matter – Gaston Bachelard and the Arts of His Time

Hans-Jörg Rheinberger

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2015 - 30. June 2015

Markus Rheindorf

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 30. June 2004

Antonio Ribeiro

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1998 - 30. June 1998

Alessia Ricciardi

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2013 - 31. January 2014

Professor in the French and Italian Department and the Comparative Literature Program, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Foucault and Agamben: Criticism as a Form of Life

Alexandra Rieder

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 30. June 2012

Stephanie Rieder-Zagkla

[ÖAW ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 30. June 2021


Sexuality, Marriage, Court: Talking about Sexuality in Matrimonial Court Records, 1783–1938

Bettina Riedmann

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1997 - 30. June 1998

PhD candidate at the University of Innsbruck

Stefan Rieger

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. January 2006

Andrea Riemenschnitter

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2016 - 31. January 2017

Professor for Modern Chinese Language and Literature at the University of Zurich

Traditional Landscape Aesthetics in Chinese Environmental Literature and Art

Jörg Rogge

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2012 - 30. June 2012

Thomas Rohringer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 30. June 2018

Technical University of Berlin, Max Planck Institute for Human Development

The Moral Economy of Citizenship in WWI. The Reintegration of War-Disabled Veterans in the Habsburg Monarchy

Suzanne Romaine

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2009 - 31. January 2010

Ute Röschenthaler

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2019 - 31. January 2020

Extra-Curricular Professor, Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz 

From China to the Sahel: The Rise of Green Tea in West Africa

Robert L. Rotenberg

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2001 - 31. January 2002

Metropolitanism and the Transformation of Urban Space in Nineteenth Century Colonial Metropoles

Klaudia Rottenschlager

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 30. June 2017

Doctoral Candidate at the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna

Transcultural Translation: Potentials and Limits within Participative Knowledge Production on Alternative Development in Palestine

Rebecca Rovit

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 31. January 2017

Associate Professor of Theatre at the University of Kansas

From the Rubble of War: Rebuilding Cultural Landscapes in Berlin and Vienna

Nora Maria Ruck

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 30. June 2007

Dirk Rupnow

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2000 - 30. June 2001

Tim Rütten

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 30. June 2021


Maids, Powers, and Morals: Forms and Fictions in the Discourse on Maidservants (1500–1810)

Marlene Rutzendorfer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 30. June 2016

David W. Sabean

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. April 2010 - 31. May 2010

Professor of German History, University of California, Los Angeles

Thoughts on Incest: Shifting Discourses since the Renaissance

Nadjib Sadikou

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 31. January 2016

Stefanie Samida

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 31. January 2020

DNA-supported studies of the past: complexity and simplicity in interdisciplinary contexts

Sarah Sander

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


Flight and Flightiness. On Media, Practices, and Dispositifs of the Art of Migration

Günther Sandner

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2016 - 31. January 2017

Departments of Political Science and Economic and Social History at the University of Vienna

Expertise, Planning, Socialism: Paul Rotha’s Films with the Isotype Institute

Günther Sandner

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2000 - 31. January 2001

Eric L. Santner

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2011 - 30. June 2011

Philip and Ida Romberg Professor in Modern Germanic Studies, University of Chicago

The Royal Remains. The People's Two Bodies and the Endgames of Sovereignty

A. Jamie Saris

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2013 - 31. January 2014

Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, National University Maynooth, Ireland

A Subject of Anxiety: Choice, Will, and Growth through the Lens of Addiction

Anja Sattelmacher

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2018 - 30. June 2018

Post Doctoral, Berlin Centre for the History of Knowledge, TU Berlin

Science on the film strip. Collecting and Archiving Research Documentaries in the Postwar Era

Jan Marco Sawilla

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 31. January 2016

Hilde Schäffler

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Sophie Schasiepen

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 30. June 2017

Doctoral candidate at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna 

Repatriating Klaas and Trooi Pienaar’s Remains to South Africa: An Intervention in Austrian Anthropological Collections

Gerhard Scheit

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. September 1995 - 31. December 1995

Kim Lane Scheppele

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. January 1996 - 31. May 1996

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Creating Constitutional Consciousness in Post-Communist Society

Klaus Scherpe

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2000 - 30. June 2000

Mareike Schildmann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 31. January 2020

Postdoc, Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), Berlin

The Art of Mediation: Translation in Diplomacy and Literature

Karl Schlögel

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2015 - 30. June 2015

Albert Schlögl

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996


Mythial Patterns of Kindred in the Greek Tragedy

Joachim Schlör

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2003 - 30. June 2003

Daniela Schmeiser

[BTWH ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 2003 - 30. June 2003

Siegfried J. Schmidt

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2002 - 31. January 2003

Viktoria Schmidt-Linsenhoff

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2007 - 31. January 2008

Markus Schmitz

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2012 - 30. June 2012

Ulrich Johannes Schneider

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2023 - 30. June 2023


A Global History of Modern Libraries

Irmela Schneider

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2003 - 31. January 2004

Peter Schnyder

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 31. January 2009

Anna Schober

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1998 - 30. June 1999

PhD student at the University of Vienna

Danilo Scholz

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


The Promise of Technocracy. Experts and International Organisations (1918–1968)

Caroline Scholzen

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 30. June 2014

Caroline L. Schopp

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 30. June 2014

Doctoral student in Art History, University of Chicago

Window, Cut, Perspective: Collaborative Paradigms in Austrian Art, 1952–1970

Susanne Schregel

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2023 - 30. June 2023


Imagining the Counter-University: Alternative Spaces of Academic Learning and Research from the Critical University to Public Climate Schools

Dominik Schrey

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 31. January 2022


Making Sense of Glaciers. Surveying a Melting World

Jens Schröter

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2017 - 30. June 2017

Professor at the Department of Media Science at the University of Bonn

Disorder and the Three-dimensional Image

Martin Schulz

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2008 - 30. June 2008

Detlef Georgia Schulze

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 31. January 2009

Rebecca Schuman

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Erhard Schüttpelz

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2005 - 30. June 2005

Ulrich Schwarz

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 30. June 2013

Werner Michael Schwarz

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1998 - 30. June 1999

Vienna and Graz

Elisabeth Sedlak

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 30. June 2023


The Belly Panorama, the Ball Joint, and the Anatomy of the Image. On Hans Bellmer’s Doll Project (1933–75)

Valentin Seidler

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2015 - 31. January 2016

Katharina Seifert

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996


Ingrid Severin

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1994 - 31. December 1994

Viola Shafik

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2008 - 31. January 2009

David Shankland

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. October 2023 - 31. January 2024

Royal Anthropological Institute

Fluidity and Transformation in the Alevi Movement in Austria

Victor Shnirelman

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2007 - 31. January 2008

Cultural incompatibility: Contemporary racism in Russia and its origins

Moshe Shokeid

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2014 - 30. June 2014

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Tel Aviv University

The Construction of a New Periphery in Israeli Social Geography

Kai Marcel Sicks

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 30. June 2004

Hania Siebenpfeiffer

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. April 2009 - 30. June 2009

Bernhard Siegert

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 31. January 2005

Karl Sierek

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2009 - 30. June 2009

Timur Sijaric

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 30. June 2022


Film Music and Ideological Mediation of Wien-Film 1938–1945. Veils over Their Eyes and Ears

Lisa Silverman

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 30. June 2003

The Transformation of Jewish Identity in Vienna, 1918-1938

Melanie Sindelar

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 30. June 2018

Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna

Their Past in a Painting: Remembering Local Heritage in the Arab Gulf

Nikolina Skenderija-Bohnet

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 30. June 2018

Ph.d. Candidate, Department of Cultural History and Theory, Humboldt University of Berlin

Eating and Being Eaten. Death, animals and Eating in the work of Elias Canetti

Kornelia Slavova

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2018 - 30. June 2018

Professor of American Studies, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria

Feminism in/as Translation in Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe

Jiřina Šmejkalová

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. September 1996 - 31. December 1996

Walter H. Sokel

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. June 2000 - 30. June 2000

University of Virginia

Walter H. Sokel

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. May 1999 - 31. May 1999

University of Virginia

Marianne Sommer

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2014 - 31. January 2015

Monika Sommer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 30. June 2003

Andrew Sparling

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
15. January 2001 - 30. June 2001

Duke University

Toward a Cultural History of Niter, Johann Rudolf Glauber (1604-70)

Matthew Specter

[Duke ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 30. June 2004

Legality and Legitimacy: Jürgen Habermas’ Reconstruction of German Political Thought

Scott Spector

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 31. January 2014

Scott Spector

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2001 - 31. January 2002

Utopian Fantasies of Urban Violence and Sexual Identity in Fin de Siècle Vienna and Berlin

Philipp Sperner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 30. June 2022


»Never A-part«. Narratives of Friendship and the Political Imaginary of Postcolonial Democracy

Georg Spitaler

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 30. June 2003

Florian Sprenger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2010 - 30. June 2011

Ulrike Spring

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 30. June 2002

Max Stadler

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 31. January 2021


The Shape of Work: Genealogies of the “User”

Ulrich Stadler

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 2000 - 31. January 2001

Urs Stäheli

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2015 - 30. June 2015


[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2022 - 31. January 2023


The Reception and Impact of Hans Vaihinger’s Fictionalism (The Philosophy of »As If«) in Literature, and Literary, Art, and Cultural Theory

Katharina Steidl

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2019 - 30. June 2019

Postdoc Researcher

Schaubilder: Operative Images and Visual Communication

Stephan Steiner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Ines Steiner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1997 - 30. June 1998

PhD candidate at the Humboldt University, Berlin

Benjamin Steininger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 30. June 2010

Gisela Steinlechner

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 31. January 2007

Martina Stemberger

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 31. January 2009

Anna Stetsenko

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. September 1996 - 30. November 1996

Cultural-Historical Theory in Psychology: Vygotsky and Piaget: Two Versions of Constructivism in Psychology

Anna Stetsenko

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. September 1995 - 15. November 1995

Cultural-Historical Theory in Psychology. Vygotsky and Piaget. Two Versions of Constructivism in Psychology

Janet Stewart

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. September 1995 - 31. January 1996

Adolf Loos, Modernity, and Identity

Davide Stimilli

[Fulbright ifk Senior Fellow]
01. March 2019 - 30. June 2019

Associate Professor of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Colorado, Boulder

The Manic Moment

Nathan Stobaugh

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 30. June 2019

Ph. D. Candidate Department of Art & Archeology, Princeton University

VALIE EXPORT: Fixing and Fixating the Postwar Psyche

Karl Stockreiter

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2001 - 30. June 2001

Melanie P. Strasser

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 30. June 2019

Ph. D. Candidate, University of Vienna

Cultural Cannibalism – Translations of Anthropophagy

Victor Strazzeri

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2025 - 30. June 2025

Abteilung für Sozialwissenschaften
Bundesuniversität São Paulo

Purple on Red. (Euro)communists and Feminists in the Global 1970s

Jaroslav Stritecky

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. September 1996 - 31. December 1996

Claudius Ströhle

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2021 - 30. June 2022


»Remittances« as Transnational Participation Practice between Austria and Turkey

Lisa Stuckey

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 30. June 2019

Ph. D. Candidate, Institute for Art and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Investigative Aesthetics: Contemporary Art and Jurisdiction

Andreas Sudmann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2019 - 30. June 2019

Natural Language Processing and Artificial Neural Networks: Cultures of Machine Translation

Arthur Summereder

[ifk Artist in Residence]
01. October 2023 - 31. January 2024

Visual Artist and PhD Candidate
Institute of Fine Arts and Cultural Studies
University of Arts Linz

Drag Racing. A Popular Sport as a Revenant of American Mythology

Jan Surman

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 31. January 2018

Postdoktorand, Higher School of Economics

Translated Culture? Habsburg Science as Pluricultural Sphere

Abigail Susik

[City of Vienna ifk Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 31. January 2023


‘You Sleep for the Boss’. Radical Work Critiques in Belgian Surrealism and early Situationism, 1950–1970

Roman Synakewicz

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 30. June 2020

Doktorand, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

“A most daring operetta”: Gender and Cultural Transfer in Olga Neuwirth’s American Lulu

Margarethe Szeless

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 30. June 2004

Natan Sznaider

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2023 - 30. June 2023


Vanishing Point of Memories: How to translate moral narratives

Arata Takeda

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2011 - 31. January 2012

Ariane Tanner

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2016 - 30. June 2016

Anton Tantner

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 31. January 2013

Anton Tantner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 30. June 2005

Luisa Tasca

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2005 - 30. June 2005

Vanessa Tautter

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 30. June 2023


Negotiating Violent Pasts from an 'Implicated' Position. An Oral History of Experiencing Memory Change in Austria and Northern Ireland, 1980 to the Present

Anke te Heesen

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. January 2006

Chris Tedjasukmana

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2017 - 31. January 2018

Film- und Medienwissenschafter, Freie Universität Berlin

Moving Images: Activist Videos, Political Aesthetics, and Networked Public Spheres

Jordanka Telbizova-Sack

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 31. January 2010

Katalin Teller

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2015 - 30. June 2015

Zoran Terzic

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 31. January 2008

Jürgen Thaler

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996


Hélène Thiérard

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 31. January 2019

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle (Paris III)

Crossing Borders Between Arts and Literature. An Intermedial Translation Concept

Christian Thorau

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. May 2009 - 30. June 2009

Kira Thurman

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2018 - 30. June 2018

Assistant Professor of German and History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Singing like Germans: Black Musicians in the Land of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms

Clarissa Thurnher

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2010 - 30. June 2011

Elisabeth Timm

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 31. January 2010

Edward Timms

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1997 - 20. December 1997

University of Sussex

Edward Timms

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. September 1993 - 30. September 1993

Magaly Tornay

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2019 - 30. June 2019

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Universität Zürich, Zentrum Geschichte des Wissens

Talking Cures: A Translational History of Psychoanalysis

Messan Tossa

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2020 - 31. January 2021


A Translation-Theory Approach to Texts from the “African-French”

Stephen Toulmin

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
15. May 1995 - 15. July 1995

Sovereignty and History of Nationhood (in a Central European Context)

Jürgen Trabant

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2008 - 31. May 2008

Céline Trautmann-Waller

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2014 - 30. June 2014

Christoph Treiblmayr

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 30. June 2006

Martin Treml

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2019 - 30. June 2019

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), Berlin

Freud’s Psychoanalysis as a Translation of Judaism

Wolfgang Trimmel

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2016 - 30. June 2017

Doctoral candidate in the Department of Oriental Studies at the University of Vienna

Beyond Orient and Occident: Intercultural Self-Translations from Arabic to English

Ilija Trojanow

[ifk Writer in Residence]
01. March 2018 - 30. June 2018

Writer, Translator, Publisher

What if – an utopian novel

Eva Tropper

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 30. June 2005

Gernot Tscherteu

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1995 - 15. December 1995


Yasunari Ueda

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2006 - 31. January 2007

Heidemarie Uhl

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 31. January 2000

Margit Ulama

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. May 1994 - 30. June 1994


Anna Valentine Ullrich

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 30. June 2007

Peter Utz

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2014 - 31. January 2015

Marc Van De Mieroop

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2011 - 30. June 2011

Professor of History, Columbia University, New York

Three Thousand Years of Ancient Thought: The Case of Babylonia

Ulrich Van Loyen

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 31. January 2023


Gonda van Steen

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2006 - 31. January 2007

Looking at Drama: Aeschylus' "Persians" and the Greek war of independence (1821)

Roxanne Varzi

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2012 - 31. December 2012

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Film and Media Studies, Visual Studies, Religious Studies, and Persian Studies, University of California, Irvine

The French Connection: Henri Corbin and Iran, Islam, Philosophy and Revolution

Georg Vasold

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 30. June 2002

Sebastian Vehlken

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2014 - 30. June 2014

Barbara Vinken

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2022 - 30. June 2022


Opera and Sacrifice

Gerhard Vinken

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 30. November 2006

Gerhard Vinken

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2004 - 30. April 2004

Cornelia Vismann

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2003 - 31. January 2004

Juliane Vogel

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2002 - 31. January 2003

Joseph Vogl

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2001 - 31. January 2002

Heide Volkening

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2009 - 30. June 2009

Shulamit Volkov

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. February 2013 - 30. June 2013

Jan von Brevern

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2009 - 30. June 2010

Alexander von Schwerin

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2010 - 30. June 2010

Hans Von Trotha

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2022 - 31. January 2023


On the Gradual Professionalization of Dilettantism While Writing. Theory and Practice

Olha Voznyuk

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2023 - 31. January 2024

Independent Researcher
Comparative Literature and Slavic Studies

The Transformation of Ukrainian Cultural Identity in the Post-Soviet Period

Fiona Wachberger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 30. June 2025

PhD Candidate
Institut für Literatur- und Kulturtheorie
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

»A Place of Rage«. Women's Fantasies of Violence in Contemporary Crime Literature

Kristian Wachinger

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2018 - 31. January 2019

Translator, Stiftungsrat der Canetti Stiftung Zürich

Writing what is written

Sigrid Wadauer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 30. June 2000

Monika Wagner

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2024 - 31. January 2025

Professor (em.)
Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar
Universität Hamburg

Adolph Menzel’s Indian Café in the Vienna Prater. Staging America at world fairs of the 19th century

Monika Wagner

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2011 - 31. January 2012

Karl Wagner

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 31. January 2000

Leonardo Waisman

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2024 - 31. January 2025

Independent Researcher

Exoticism and Self-exoticizing: The Image of Spain in Classical Viennese Opera

Andrea Wald

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2013 - 30. March 2014

Thomas Wallerberger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2020 - 30. June 2021


Waiting in Exile: Spaces of Hope, Waiting, and Inertia in German Literature

Tom Wappler

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2018 - 30. June 2019

Ph. D. Candidate, Institute of Music, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

Practices of Musical Intertextuality in the Early 20th Century

Françoise Waquet

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 31. January 2000

Martin Warnke

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2024 - 30. June 2024

Institute of Culture and Aesthetics of digital media
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Media Cultures of Machine Translation.
A Perspective between Cultural Studies and Technology

Martin Warnke

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2011 - 30. June 2011

Stephanie Warnke

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 30. June 2005

Lotte Warnsholdt

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2019 - 30. June 2020

Doktorandin, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg „Kulturen der Kritik“, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

The Time of Critique: On the History of Predictive Media

Elisabeth Weber

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2021 - 31. January 2022


Breath, World, Cosmos.»Plant Humanities« and the Translation of North-American Indigenous Thought

Ulrike Weckel

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2005 - 30. June 2005

Daniel Weidner

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996

Sigrid Weigel

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
02. November 2002 - 28. November 2002

Richard Weihe

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2006 - 31. January 2007

Christoph Weinberger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 30. June 2008

Paul Weindling

[Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow]
01. March 2018 - 30. June 2018

Research Professor in History of Medicine, Oxford Brookes University

Neurology in Austria 1918–1960: Tensions, Transformations, Translations and Traumas

Yfaat Weiss

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2003 - 30. June 2003

Invisible Cities. Wadi Salib - an Israeli Political Metaphor

Liliane Weissberg

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2023 - 30. June 2023


In Circulation. Modern Literature, Philosophy, Art, and the Medium of the Postcard

Thomas Weitin

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2009 - 31. January 2010

Stephan Wendehorst

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2015 - 31. January 2016

Käthe Wenzel

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2021 - 31. January 2022


»CV Machine«. A translation engine for survival in times of automated labour

Edith Wenzel

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 2001 - 30. June 2001

Horst Wenzel

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. March 1999 - 31. March 1999

Horst Wenzel

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. May 1998 - 30. June 1998

Christina Wessely

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2018 - 31. January 2019

Professor for the Cultural History of Knowledge, Leuphana University Lüneburg

Neapolitan Modernism. Life Forms around 1900

Katharina Wessely

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2004 - 30. June 2005

Christina Wieder

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 30. June 2018

PH.D. Candidate, Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna

Visual strategies of self-empowerment in Exile. Jewish Women Artists from Central Europe to Argentina

Michaela Wiesinger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2010 - 30. June 2011

Ian W. Wilson

[Fulbright ifk_Junior Fellow]
01. October 2000 - 30. June 2001

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Illegible Deaths: Narrative Strategies in the Contemporary Novel of the Undead.

Mario Wimmer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2008 - 30. June 2009

Jutta Wimmler

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2013 - 30. June 2013

To Adapt and Ignore. Catholic Theological Discourse in Early Modern West Africa Accounts

Christian Wimplinger

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 30. June 2018

Ph.D. Candidate and Lecturer, Department of German Studies, University of Vienna

Cooperative Writing and Constellative Narration. The Joint Text Production of Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge

Christof Windgätter

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. October 2021 - 31. January 2022


Knowledge in Squares. On the Epistemology of a Basic Form

Matthias Wittmann

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2006 - 30. June 2007

Clemens Woldan

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2022 - 30. June 2023


Dramatizing marriage. Marriage as a social practice in Viennese comedies at the turn of the 20thcentury.

Burkhardt Wolf

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2016 - 30. June 2016

Norbert Christian Wolf

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. June 1995 - 31. August 1995

Vera Wolff

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2014 - 31. January 2015

Christopher S. Wood

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2012 - 30. June 2012

Yvonne Wübben

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2013 - 30. June 2013

Monika Wulz

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2011 - 30. June 2011

Barbara Wurm

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2007 - 30. June 2008

Markus Wurzer

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2017 - 30. June 2018

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History,University of Graz

“Uncanny things from my father’s hand”. Colonial War in Visual Cultures and Family Memories

Beat Wyss

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2008 - 30. June 2008

Huseyin Yilmaz

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2010 - 30. June 2010

Assistant Professor in the Department of History, University of South Florida

Translation and Cultural Formation in the Ottoman Empire

Dmitri Zakharine

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2020 - 30. June 2020

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Europäische Geschichte, Universität Freiburg

The ruler’s image in audio format. The techniques of translation

Katherina Zakravsky

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2006 - 30. June 2006

Stephan Zandt

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2021 - 30. June 2021

Independent Researcher, Berlin

Tasos Zembylas

[ifk Junior Fellow]
08. January 1995 - 30. November 1995

Alexej Žerebin

[ifk Visiting Fellow]
01. October 1999 - 31. January 2000

Rüdiger Zill

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2007 - 30. June 2007

Michael Zinganel

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. March 2003 - 30. June 2003

Christiane Zintzen

[ifk Research Fellow]
01. October 2001 - 31. January 2002

Raimar Zons

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. March 2016 - 31. May 2016

Ania Zorh

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. October 2024 - 30. June 2025

PhD Candidate
Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Invisible work. Female work in Rural Ukraine during Collectivization

Moshe Zuckermann

[City of Vienna ifk Fellow]
01. October 2005 - 31. January 2006

Petra Zudrell

[ifk Junior Fellow]
01. March 1996 - 30. June 1996


Cornelia Zumbusch

[ifk Gast der Direktion]
01. October 2012 - 31. January 2013

Wojciech Łukowski

[ifk Senior Fellow ]
01. March 2012 - 30. June 2012

Junior Fellows Abroad

Davide Gnoato

[ifk Junior Fellow Abroad]

01.October 2024 bis 31.May 2025

Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Universität Wien

Das Phänomen Adelphi. Die Rezeption zentraleuropäischer Literatur in Italien

Enar de Dios Rodríguez

[ifk Junior Fellow Abroad]

01.September 2024 bis 30.June 2025

Institut für Kunst und Bildung
Kunstuniversität Linz

Jenseits des Bodens. Der audiovisuelle Essay als experimenteller Ort der Wissenskonstruktion und seine Macht, zu beeinflussen

Matthias Donabaum

[ifk Junior Fellow Abroad]

01.September 2024 bis 31.March 2025

Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
Universität Wien

Vermögen, Verwandtschaft und Kredit. Niederösterreich im 18. Jahrhundert

Matthäus Leidenfrost

[ifk Junior Fellow Abroad]

01.September 2024 bis 31.May 2025

Institut für Religionswissenschaft
Freie Universität Berlin

Mythos und (Post)Moderne. Ein neuer Anfang?

Olga Schubert

[ifk Junior Fellow Abroad]

01.July 2024 bis 30.June 2025

Institut für Bildende Kunst und Kulturwissenschaften
Kunstuniversität Linz

Pluriversitäten. Wissensproduktion und Lernformate in Kunsträumen seit 2000

Veronika Stachel

[ifk Junior Fellow Abroad]

01.July 2024 bis 30.June 2025

Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
Universität Wien

Die Gründungsgeschichte des Weltmuseums Wien