
Peter Probst
ifk Senior Fellow

Duration of fellowship
01. March 2025 bis 30. June 2025

Return to Sender: On the Legacy of the Gift


The project examines the significance and explanatory mileage of Marcel Mauss‘ classic essay The Gift one hundred years after its publication. Written as an answer to World War I during the final phase of colonial modernity, the essay has long been an academic evergreen inspiring many fields. However, with the recognition of the post- and decolonial critique of modernity, the essay seems to have lost its intellectual chlorophyll. The academic public has either ignored the essay’s centennial anniversary or used it to »reintroduce« the essay. Is the silence about The Gift one of those experiences of loss that sociology has recently identified as characteristic of the dynamics of »late modernity?« Or, to put it in the language of the subject matter, has The Gift lost its recipient? The project aims to locate an answer to this question in the context of discussions about migration, museums, and the politics of heritage.


Peter Probst is Professor of Art History with a focus on African art history and visual culture at Tufts University in Boston. He studied anthropology, art history, sociology, and communications in Berlin and Cambridge, England. After completing his doctorate in Berlin and his habilitation at the University of Bayreuth, he accepted an appointment at Tufts University in 2005, where he has since worked at the intersection of art history, ethnology and museum studies. His art historical and anthropological research has taken him to Cameroon, Malawi, and Nigeria. He has been a guest professor at the Goethe University in Frankfurt and the Free University of Berlin and has held fellowships at the Getty Research Center in Los Angeles, the ifk in Vienna and the Tufts European Center in Talloires. Besides the study of various aspects of African art, his research interests include questions of historiography and the history of ideas.


Was ist afrikanische Kunst? Eine kurze Geschichte, Konstanz: Konstanz University Press 2024 (amerikanische Originalausgabe, University of Chicago Press, 2022).

»Arbeit am Erbe. Das Humboldt Forum als Totale Institution«, in: Lettre International, Herbst 2023, No. 142.

 with Joseph Imorde (eds.), Art History and Anthropology, Modern Encounters 1870–1970, Los Angeles: Getty Publications 2023.

with Ray Silverman and George Abungu (eds.), National Museums in Africa. Identity, History, and Politics, Routledge: London 2021.

Osogbo and The Art of Heritage. Monuments, Deities and Money, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2011.

26 May 2025
  • Lecture
ifk Arkade & ifk@Zoom
Peter Probst

Empfänger Unbekannt. Das Erbe der Gabe

Marcel Mauss' 1925 erschienener Essay über die Gabe ist aus den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften heute nicht mehr wegzudenken. Der Vortrag geht den Spuren der Rezeption von Mauss‘ Essay nach und diskutiert den Status seiner Aktualität im Kontext der postkolonialen Debatten um Identität und Erbe, Migration und Generation.
