
Sandra Janßen
ifk Research Fellow

Duration of fellowship
01. March 2024 bis 30. June 2024

Having as a Form of Being. Theories and Literary Representations of Property around 1800


This project is intended to represent a contribution to a history of the subject, as it can be explored through the convergence of different fields of knowledge. It examines the close connection between the definition of the subject and that of property in the 18th and early 19th centuries: from Locke to Hegel, property is primarily thought of in terms of the individual and a philosophy of the subject; conversely, the ability to experience oneself through what one appropriates is also a central defining feature of the subject. At the same time, this is in tension with property as the justification of the social contract (in Rousseau). On the one hand, the project will examine the theoretical justifications of property and, on the other, its economic and social implications as reflected in contemporary literature (e.g. in the figure of the robber). All these moments come together to form a specific constellation in the history of subjectivity.


Associate Researcher at ifk

Sandra Janßen is a comparatist and historian of science. She currently works as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Erfurt, where since January 2024 she is leading a DFG funded network on the history of the subject as defined by the history of the human sciences (in particular, psychology and various social sciences). Previous positions include teaching at the Free University of Berlin as well as visiting and deputy professorships at the University of Chicago, the University of Vienna and the University of Bonn.

In addition to the history of the subject, her research focuses on the ties between the history of knowledge and literary history, more precisely the history of psychology and 19th and 20th century German and French literature. She is about to complete her second book, which relates psychology, political theory and literature of the 1930s and 1940s to each other under the label of a »totalitarian subject«.


»Totalitäre Ideologie. Politisch-epistemische Bedingungsverhältnisse und ein diskurshistorischer Verortungsversuch«, in: Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation, 15 (2022), Nr. 2, 77–95, https://freidok.uni-freiburg.de/data/233585.

mit Thomas Alkemeyer (Hg.), Selbstsein als Sich-Wissen? Zur Bedeutung der Wissensgeschichte für die Historisierbarkeit des Subjekts, Tübingen 2021 (= Historische Wissensforschung 15).

»Zeitlosigkeiten in Hermann Brochs Tod des Vergil«, in: Maximilian Bergengruen und Sandra Janßen (Hg.), Psychopathologie der Zeit (= Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 1, 2021), 133–149.

»Kredit – Glauben – Wahn. Paranoische Formen von Soll und Haben bei Heinrich von Kleist und Robert Walser«, in: Maximilian Bergengruen, Jill Bühler, Antonia Eder (Hg.), Kredit und Bankrott in der deutschen Literatur, Stuttgart 2021 (= Abhandlungen zur Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft), 123–150.

Phantasmen. Imagination in Psychologie und Literatur 1840–1930 (Flaubert, Čechov, Musil), Göttingen 2013 (Reihe: Wissenschaftsgeschichte).


10 June 2024
  • Lecture
Sandra Janßen

Der Räuber als Eigentumstheoretiker

Von Schillers Räubern über dessen Verbrecher aus verlorener Ehre bis zu Heinrich von Kleists Michael Kohlhaas zeichnen sich die Jahrzehnte um 1800 durch eine auffallende literarische Konjunktur der Räuberfigur aus
