
Sven Reichardt
Stadt Wien ifk_Fellow

Duration of fellowship
01. March 2025 bis 30. June 2025

Global History of Fascism


The research project Global History of Fascism examines the transimperial entanglements of the three major fascisms in Germany, Italy, and Japan with regard to their mutually intertwined war and occupation history. While the first part of the planned book focuses on the cultural history of fascism, from violent politics to the performance and symbolism of fascism, the second part will address the practices of intertwined occupation policies, ranging from social planning and settlement policies to extermination and war policies.

Special attention will be given to the transimperial collaborative relationships in the war and occupation areas—including the repercussions of conditions at the peripheries of the fascist core countries.


Sven Reichardt, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Konstanz. He works on the history of global fascism, on social movements and civil societies in Europe and the USA, the global history of war, civil war and terrorism and on environmental history with a special focus on war ecology, sustainable tourism and environmental knowledge in the 1970s. He had several international scholarships and fellowships, among others a Humboldt Fellowship at Rutgers University and a FRIAS-Fellowship, he was guest professor at The New School (New York) and at Columbia University (New York).


Aktivismus und Geschichtswissenschaft (=Sonderheft von Geschichte und Gesellschaft 50, Heft 1,2024)

Die Misstrauensgemeinschaft der ›Querdenker‹. Die Corona-Proteste aus kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive, Frankfurt am Main / New York: Campus 2021)

Authentizität und Gemeinschaft. Linksalternatives Leben in den siebziger und frühen achtziger Jahren, Berlin: Suhrkamp 2014 (2. Auflage).

Faschistische Kampfbünde. Gewalt und Gemeinschaft im italienischen Squadrismus und in der deutschen SA, Köln: Böhlau 2009 (2. Auflage), italienische Übersetzung: Camicie nere, camicie brune, Bologna: Il Mulino 2009).

10 March 2025
  • Lecture
ifk Arkade & ifk@Zoom
Sven Reichardt

Faschistische Verschränkungen. Transfergeschichtliche Dimensionen des Nationalsozialismus

Der Vortrag untersucht die transimperialen Verflechtungen der drei großen Faschismen in Deutschland, Italien und Japan im Hinblick auf ihre wechselseitig verflochtene Kriegs- und Besatzungsgeschichte.
